News Archive – Nov 2018 – April 2019

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Dutch Reach Bill Introduced in Ontario Assembly

Marit Stiles MMP Introduces Private Members Bill on the “Dutch Reach”
April 18, 2019. Read more here.

CBC: Dutch Commonsense

The Safest Way

Henk van der Zwan, ambassador at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ottawa, demonstrates the "Dutch reach," where a driver uses the hand furthest from the door to open it, forcing the upper body to turn and better see cyclists coming up from behind. (Hallie Cotnam/CBC)

Netherlands' Ambassador demonstrates the 'Dutch reach', In North America, it's called the "Dutch reach," but in the Netherlands, they don't even need a name for it — it's that common. "It's in our DNA ...." - Ottawa Morning, CBC, 25 April 2019. Article & gif

We Love Cycling?: Dooring Flyover

Guardia Civil 🇪🇸 Abrir 'a la holandesa'

Holländische Griff - Ein Griff rettet Radfahrer

Unfallkasse Berlin, Apr 2, 2019.

Comment l'appeler en français?

C'est officiel: Au #Québec, le Dutch Reach est l'ouverturepivot ou l'ouverturehollandaise! - Office québécois de la langue française,.

Dooring Alert: Stay on the Safe Side

Article with videos descrivbing  the risk of dooring,statistics, vyvlist &driver means to avoid dooring crashes.

Dooring Is Way More Dangerous Than You Think, by WeLoveCycling, Skoda, Feb 6, 2019.

Japanese 'Dutch Reach' Graphic

あなたの遠い方の手でドアを開ける.      「ダッチリーチ」方式

Toronto Star Endorses Dutch Reach Bill

" Ford government should support this bill and include the Dutch reach in the next printing of the driver’s handbook."

Protect cyclists from dooring with the ‘Dutch reach, by Star Editorial Board, May 1, 2019 .Toronto, Canada.

Dutch Reach Bill 89, Ontario, Canada

Private bill submitted by Marit Stiles MMP, Ontario Legislature, April 2019.

Bill 89 2019: An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act to ensure the Dutch reach method is included in driver education programs, Ontario Legislative Assembly, [Accessed May 2, 2019] Link to bill & status.

Ontario Teach Reach Bill: Method Defined

Description of preferred method for safe egress of vehicles to avoid dooring bicyclists causing injury or death.

Definition of Dutch Reach method in Bill 89, Teach Reach Act, 2019, Ontario Legislative Assembly. Link to Bill 89.

Achtung Radfahrer! Parken

Do not rip the car door. Tip: open the car door with your right hand open. Cyclists get into the field of vision.

Parken mit Holländischer Griff, Autotür nicht aufreissen. Tipp: Öffnen Autotür mit der rechten Hand öffnen. Radfahrer gelangt damit ins Blickfeld. WISO.

Cambia de manos para evitar accidentes.- ISCI, Chile

para Seguridad, explica que el primer punto de la maniobra de la mano cambiada es que obliga al conductor o piloto a girar el cuerpo y la cabeza. Lo segundo es que con esto mejora su visión de la ruta para advertir si viene algún ciclista o motorista. En tercer lugar está el hecho de que ‘llegar a la manilla es más dificultoso y empujar la puerta para su apertura implica mayor esfuerzo’. Esto incide en que la puerta del auto nunca se abrirá’toda y de un golpe’.

Tres detalles de la maniobra para abrir la puerta del auto sin lesionar a un ciclista, por Ricardo Hurtubia, investigador ISCI, 22 marzo, 2019. Instituto de Sistemas de Ingeniería Complejos, Santiago, Chile..

Achtung Radfahrer! Radfahrer gleichberechtigte verkehrsteilnehmer

Four dangerous situation for bicyclists, how to avoid safety includes dutch reach.

Achtung Radfahrer! Radfahrer gleichberechtigte verkehrsteilnehmer. Überholen Abstand, Abbiegen, Parken. WISO.

Magazine Centdegres, Québec

Emportiérage des cyclistes: le «Dutch Reach» gagne l’Amérique du Nord, pour François Grenier, centdegres magazine, Québec ,le 7 janvier 2019.

Pour arrêter d’emportiérer (blesser et tuer) les cyclistes

Saviez-vous qu’il existe une méthode facile pour éviter de blesser ou tuer un cycliste par mégarde lorsqu’on ouvre la portière d’un véhicule en ville : la «poignée hollandaise» ? Il s’agit d’ouvrir sa portière avec la main opposée. C’est tout, et ça suffit.

Pour arrêter d’emportiérer (blesser et tuer) les cyclistes, pour Louis-Philippe Messier, 24 Heures Chronique, 10 octobre 2016.

La técnica holandesa, Santiago, Chile

T13 Radio: Dutch Reach te propone realizar la acción de bajar de un vehículo de forma segura para ti y los ciclistas. Al abrir la puerta del auto para descender de él, generalmente lo hacemos con la mano más cercana a la manilla... gg Sin embargo, alrealizarlo con la mano contraria, forzarás tu cuerpo a mirar hacia atrás y detener tu acción en el caso de que venga algún ciclista, previniendo con un pequeño gesto lo que puede ser un gran accidente.

La técnica holandesa que podría salvar a miles de ciclistas de un típico accidente, Telé13 Radio. 23, Marzo 2019. Santiago, Chile. Click para agrandar.

Berliner Kurier: Öffne den richtigen Weg!

Impaled by Door Edge

cyclist impaled on edge of car door, survived.

Compensation for Weston Super-Mare- Cyclist Injured in Car Dooring Accident, Wards Solicitors, UK. 25 April 2019, 

Lyft's Dutch Reach for Scooters

passenger does far hand dutch reach to avoid dooring scotter rider in Lyft blog post instruction anti dooring safety method move.

Lyft teaches Dutch Reach to protect Scooter riders. Click image for blog & gif.

Zoomer Podcast: Dutch Reach Bill for ON

MPP Stiles introduced Dutch Reach bill in Ontario legilature to protect vulnerable road users from doorings.

Zoomer Radio Podcast: The Dutch Reach with MPP Marit Stiles, 5 Mar 2019. Click image to view & listen..

SFGATE: SF Chronicle Online - On Dooring

Lyft Road Sharing Safety Pledge

Lyft’s Commitment to Sharing the Road, Blog Post, April 17, 2019.

Lyft 'Push Notification' to Clients

Graphic shows Tweet displaying Dutch Reach lesson title of gif, and a screen shot of push message sent by Lyftto its riders to enteach and encourage use of the Dutch Reach to avoid dooring cyclists and scooter users.

Lyft rideshare users now get this push notification via smartphone 10 minutes into trip. GIF PSA teaches & cues the Dutch Reach, 24 Apr 2019 Click image to enlarge; here for Lyft blog lesson with gif.

StreetsBlogNYC Demands More from Lyft on Safety

Cartoq - Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Der holländische Trick - Radfahren - Zeit Online

Jedes Jahr sterben Radfahrer in Deutschland, weil sich plötzlich Autotüren öffnen. Diese Unfälle ließen sich leicht verhindern – mit einer Idee aus den Niederlanden.

Der holländische Trick, der Leben rettet, von Juliane Frisse, Zeit Online, 5. April 2019

Quite Interesting (QI) - BBC Game Show

Q: What is the wrong way ....? Quite Interesting - BBC Comedy Game Show, Series O, Episode 13. Jan 26, 2018. [Found: Apr 2019]

Dutch Reach - Vision Zero SF

Vision Zero: Dutch Reach, "Passenger Pickup & Drop Off," is from SFMTA's 2015 multi-issue road sharing video: Urban Diving Safety [where it appears at 12m 55s].

Wikipedia on Dutch Reach

Dooring Dutch Reach Entry header from Wikipedia, w logo globe & Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

For annotated summary, see Dutch Reach under Dooring in Wikipedia or click image.


Slow Egress in Fast Company

How this one simple trick for not killing bicyclists became a worldwide phenomenon The Dutch Reach, a simple method for getting out of your car without endangering bikers, is slowly gaining momentum.

How the Dutch Reach became a worldwide phenomenon. A brief history of Dutch Reach Project progress, by Ruth Reader, Fast Company, 22 Mar 2019. Click image.How

Demand Bike Share Advocacy for Safety

death of ebike Ford GoBike rider killed in San Francisco using painted bike lane, dooring led to swerve death by truck. Call for protected bike lanes & dutch reach to prevent crashes & accients.

When will Bike Share companies step-up for cyclist safety? Click to enlarge.

Ontario to debate Dutch Reach Bill Apr 18

Ontario legislature to ferbate teaching the Dutch Reach anti dooring measure, its inclusion in drigres manual, driver education & licensing exam

Queen’s Park Update: MPP looks to bring the Dutch Reach to Ontario, Share the Road Cycling Coalition, Mar 25, 2019.

Dooring Liability Cases & Dutch Reach

This new Illinois bike law is nonetheless a giant victory for Ride Illinois and the Active Transportation Alliance who valiantly fought for the promotion of the "Dutch Reach" as a simple safety practice that can reduce the number of doorings in Illinois. The promotion of the utilization of the "Dutch Reach" will help the practice become more commonplace in Illinois and is a further reflection of the commitment by Illinois lawmakers to make cycling safer. The inclusion of the "Dutch Reach" in the Rules of the Road will also help establish safety practices for checking for oncoming bicyclists as "ordinary practice" for Illinois motorists. When a bicyclist is doored in Illinois and is injured, we need to establish that the driver was negligent. Establishing negligence is done by showing that they did not follow "ordinary care." While not quite the full effect of a rule under the Rules of the Rode, this advisory position carries some weight in arguing that a driver is acting most safely when they check for an oncoming bicyclist.

Illinois Drivers Now Advised to Use the "Dutch Reach" to Prevent Doorings, Illinois Bicycle Accident Lawyers, Keating PC, Aug 15, 2018. Click to enlarge.

Bike Safety & Traffic Law in Maine

Lauri Boxer-Macomber Talks Right Hooks, Dooring, and Safe Passing with Fred Thomas of All Things Bike, February 15, 2019. Dooring & Dutch Reach segment starts at 7 min 40 sec. Click image to view.

'Tess' Demands for CA Governor

We need you to prioritize bicyclists’ safety. Here are our demands: 1) Prioritize at least $50 million in state budget funding this spring to establish a complete, low-stress bikeway network program; 2) Appoint a Secretary of Transportation who will prioritize bicyclists’ needs; 3) Appoint California Transportation Commissioners who reflect Californians’ diversity and range of lived experiences, and who will prioritize building a transportation system that serves all Californians; 4) Require that the California Department of Motor Vehicles provide training about the “Dutch Reach” in driver’s education programs and include more bicycle-related information in the Driver Handbook; 5) Encourage your colleagues in the legislature to pass SB 127 (Wiener) to ensure accommodations for all users of state-owned roads running through cities; 6) Leverage the Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force to ensure that Vision Zero can be realized across the state; and lastly, 7) Invest in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. The amount California spends on this vital, life-and-death infrastructure is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions of dollars that are still being invested in expanding highways.

List of demands sent to Governor of California by Tess's Beloved Community. One of three open letters expressing grief & each calling for comprehensive anti dooring & bike protective actions by city & state officials. Note: Lists of  demands are specific to each recipient. Read letters here. Click to enlarge. See also: SF Weekly, 19 March 2019

SF Ride Share Bicyclist Killed by Dooring

woman riding Ford Go Bike in San Francisco Market District killed after swerving to avoid ccar door thrown oen by driver, rujn over by truck. Accident crash dooring

Door flung into painted doorzone bikelane, ride share e-bicyclist swerved, crushed by truck. SF Examiner, Mar 8, 2019. (Note bias as reporters minimize driver agency).

Dutch Reach Poem to Music, UK

Poem set to music for Road Safety describe the dutch far hand reach anti dooring method, drum accompaniment

Murray Lachlan Young's Dutch Reach Poem, Sounds, BBC, UK. 3 Apr 2019. Clickhere for article, audio, transcript.

Two cyclists felled by one dooring, Adelaide, AUS

Instargram video of night-time domino dooring as following cyclist crashes into just doored predecessor. Unknown location; 8 Jan 2018. [Noted 9 Apr 2019].

Bicycle Network, Australia

2000 UK Cyclist Poll: Dooring's Impact

How common are dooring crashes between motor vehciles, cars and bicyclists? Very.

TNC Addison Lee commissioned research which polled 2000 UK cyclists to gauge the extent of “car dooring”.  Source: How the "Dutch Reach" is saving lives of cyclists, February 12, 2019, B lue Mountain Group.

Dutch Reach Advice by Renault

Open the car door with the wrong hand. Britons also call it the 'Dutch Reach' and now want to include this in their driving lesson program. Purpose: to prevent accidents.

Compulsory costs: Dutch Reach, My Renault - Dutch Reach advisory, March 2019. (Translated from Dutch). Click to enlarge.

Land of the Automobile

Automobile Club of Southern California, AAA's regional branch, adds Dutch Reach to its annual member's guide Driving in California (p.76) as as a recommended dooring countermeasure. Click image to enlarge. Jan 2019.

Safe Way to Avoid Doorings

Cycling Guide - Dutch Reach - New York Bicycling Coalition, funded by NHTSA & grant from NYS Governor’s Traffic Safety Comm. 10 Jan 2019.

Bias in Bike Crash Media Reports

Six Ways the Media is Still Blaming the Victim, by Angie Schmitt, StreetsBlohUSA,
Jan 14, 2019. Earlier article here.

Washington joins IL & MA to teach 7 Languages

 Español Spanish 中文 Chinese - 한국어 Korean - Русский Russian - #Việt #Vietnamese - & 日本語 Japanese.

Washington State adds 'Dutch Reach' to 2019 Driver Guide - in 7 different language editions. See Chapter 3-p.27 - Parking.  Click image to enlarge.

Bloomberg Editorial Board Endorsement

You Can Save a Bicyclist’s Life All you need to do is adopt one small habit. "Give the Dutch Reach a place on American roads."- Bloomberg, Editorial Board, 10 Feb 2019.

Crash Data Analysis - Doorings

Pkw Heck- und Seitenkollisionen mit Fußgängern und Radfahrern Unfallforschung - kompakt, - Unfallforschung der Verkehrssicher, GDV 2018. PDF download. Research study simulates car dooring scenarios. Results may assist forensic investigations & crashs reconstruction, warning system development & cyclist risk avoidance education.

Dooring Death in Vancouver BC

"...witnesses reported the victim had swerved to avoid a car door opened by a driver whose vehicle was parked in the curb lane." - Cyclist dead after collision with truck in North Vancouver,
Brent Richter / North Shore News, 27 Jan 2019.

Doored from Left by For Hire's Passenger

Austrian Auto Leasing Co.:

India - Telangana Police

National Safety Council Adds 'Reach'

National Safety Council includes 'Far Hand Reach' (aka Dutch Reach) in its Defensive Driving Courses, > 10th Edition, (Jan 2019). It will be taught by NSC instructors in classroom courses for courts, licensing authorities, auto insurers, US military etc. .Click image to enlarge. NSC video here..

Illinois' Bellevue News-Democrat - McClatchy

More than 250 new laws go into effect Jan. 1, so get ready to learn the ‘Dutch Reach’
By Joseph Bustos, Bellevue News-Democrat, McClatchy, Dec, 27, 2018

Bicycle v. Vehicle 2010-2016 - Camb., MA

Bicycle Crash Information Bicycle Crash Summary Report The City of Cambridge has been analyzing bicycle crash data in depth and a summary fact sheet is available here. Crash data since January 2010 is publicly available from the Cambridge Police Department through the City of Cambridge Open Data Portal.

Most Prevalent Bicycle v Vehicle Crashes. Cambridge Crash Information

Bklyn's Recent Doorings: Call for Action

Bike riders say ‘Dutch Reach’ reduces ‘dooring’ crash risk, by Paula Katinas, Brooklyn Daily Eagle; also Queens Daily Eagle, 9 Jan 2019. Click image to enlarge.

Now for something entirely different...

3rd NYC Dooring Death in 9 Months.


Brooklyn bagel deliveryman Hugo Alexander Sinto Garcia, 26, on electric bike fatally doored by taxi driver. New York Daily News, Jan 01, 2019. Photo: V. Nicastro. & (Patch, Gothamist, StreetsblogNYC, The Eagle , ABC7 EyewitnessNews).Other recent NYC dooring deaths:  Juan Pacheco in Manhattan, Apr 26, 2018 (GothamistNew York Daily News & StreetsBlogNYC;  Aaron Padwee, in Queens, May 29, 2018 (NBCNY, Twitter, ABC7 Eyewitness NewsStreetsBlogNYC.)

Dooring Dutch Reach Entry header from Wikipedia, w logo globe & Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

For annotated summary, see Dutch Reach under Dooring in Wikipedia or click image.


NSC & AAA to Teach (Dutch) Far Hand Reach

Mobility Lab has confirmed that the National Safety Council and American Automobile Association are adding the "far hand reach" dooring countermeasure to their 2019 driver education programs. Authorities from NSC & AAA were quoted in Mobility's 11 Dec 2018 article.  An October New York Time's Smarter Living column on bike safety and the Dutch Reach alluded these forthcoming advisories but without attribution.  CityLab also confirmed this story, quoting AAA's driving safety expert William Van Tassel, while Mobility Lab quoted NSC transportation safety director Alex Epstein who called the method  "an easy, free way to remind yourself, as the driver, to be mindful on exiting the vehicle.”.

Governing Magazine - Adopt 'Dutch Reach'

What's the 'Dutch Reach'? 2 U.S. States Adopt It to Save Cyclists' Lives. Changing the way Americans open their car doors can help prevent cyclist injuries & fatalities, by D. Vock, 9 Jan 2019. Click image to enlarge.

Free Bikes, Spikes, Filters, Bumps & Dutch Reach

Car-free days, filtered permeability and lower speed limits are just some of the ways that cities around the world are trying to encourage cycling

From free bikes to steering wheel spikes: how to boost urban cycling, by Kieran Smith, The Guardian, 10 Jan 2019. Includes Dutch Reach. Click to enlarge.

Brake Charity, UK Road Sharing Video

Smart Drivers Are Bike Smart, by Brake Charity, UK, 11/7/2018. Dutch Reach at 1m 45s.

1st Study: Validating 'Dutch Reach'

Study finds far hand advantage for Dutch Reach anti dooring method.. See: Validating ‘Dutch Reach’: A Preliminary Evaluation of Far-Hand Door Opening and its Impact on Car Drivers’ Head Movements, Large, DR, et al., Human Factors Research Group, U Nottingham, UK. (PDF). Oct 2018. ICSC 2018 Conference paper. Click image to enlarge.

Illinois' Dutch Reach Law Now in Effect

bike safety training for drivers for Dutch reach to prevent dooring crashes.

Video report: New Illinois law to help prevent door-bicycle collisions,, News Channel ABC20, Jan 2, 2018.

Habit Buster

El 'Dutch Reach' (alcance holandés) abrir la puerta con la mano más lejana al tirador que lo acciona, ayuda a la persona que va a salir del automóvil a mirar atrás para saber si viene alguien. Evitando el punto muerto que se produce normalmente en el espejo retrovisor.

Posted by Rolly Taller Mecánico on Thursday, June 29, 2017

Rolly Taller Mecánico Cancún, FaceBook

10,000 RoSPA Instructors to Teach Dutch Reach

How & why to do the Dutch far hand reach method to avoid dooring cyclisyts, will be taught by Royal Society for the Prevention of Accients UK  (RoSPA) driving instructors.

How to do the Dutch Reach (and potentially save someone's life), by Hugh Morris, The Telegraph UK, 14 Dec 2018.  

Le réflexe "main droite" - GRACQ, Belgique

Le "Dutch reach", vous connaissez ? Il s’agit d’un simple geste : l’ouverture de la portière d’un véhicule à l’aide de la main la plus éloignée (la droite, dans le cas du conducteur). Cette pratique très répandue aux Pays-Bas pourrait contribuer à réduire le risque – bien réel – d’emportiérage de cyclistes.

Le "Dutch reach" pur lutter contre l’emportiérage? L’ouverture de la portière d’un véhicule à l’aide de la main la plus éloignée (la droite, dans le cas du conducteur). GRACQ, Groupe de Recherche et d’Action des Cyclistes Quotidiens, Belgique, 17 décembre 2018.

La "poignée hollandaise"

Jeopardy Quiz: Say what?

Jeopardy used Dutch Reach dooring prevention video clip for "Be Safe" question. CBS, 4 Dec 2018. View video at 3m 40s. Click image to enlarge.

DfT Road Safety Plans -

UK Government Rolls Out 50 New Road Safety Measures, Carlton Reid,,
Nov 21, 2018.


City of London Police

UK Dutch Reach GIF

Doored Motorcyclist's Plea

The Sun persists in m isdescribingh DR

Motorcyclist who survived devastating dooring in 2016 calls for 'Dutch Reach', The Sun, UK, 21 Nov 2018. [Note: The Sun still mis-describes the Reach.] Click image for article, video of crash.

Bike Smart Flier - Road Safety Week UK

Cymraeg - Welsh Dutch Reach

Osgoi agor eich drws ar feiciau trwy wneud y #DutchReach Defnyddiwch eich llaw gyferbyn i agor y drws - mae hyn yn eich gorfodi i edrych y tu ôl i chi gyntaf cyn gadael y cerbyd. #WythnosDiogelwchFfyrdd2018. Welsh version for Wales of Brake Charity Road Safety Week 2018 graphic flier PSA for Dutch Reach method of avoiding car dooring crashes.

Avoid opening your door on bikes by doing the #DutchReach. Use your opposite hand to open the door - this forces you to look behind you first before leaving the vehicle.  Be Bike Smart, Road Safety Week, UK; Brake Charity, Nov 2018. Adnoddau yn Gymraeg | Resources in Welsh

Stop Hitting Cyclists with Your Car Door

Doorings causd by American entitled drivers and passengers heedless of dangers caused by flung open car doors into bike anes, travel lanes injuring bicyclists. Should use Dutch Reach.

Saving a life is as easy as checking for cyclists. So naturally nobody does it.  Outside Online's Bike Snob lets  loose on dooring perps. 6 Nov 2018.

Side Mirror View Not Dependably Safe

Cop caused car dooring of bicyclist failed to use Dutch Reach. Special Investigative Unit of Toronto Police excused officer for momentary inattention rather than finding department failure to properly train officers in safest habit or procedure or method to avoid dooring crashes.

Police officer who relied on wing-mirror as standard opening procedure doored cyclist. Officers apparently not trained to perform shoulder-check habit with direct sight back as with Dutch Reach. See: Toronto Star, 13 Nov 2018. See:  SIU Director's Report.

Finland: Liikenneturva Endorses Hollantilainen Ote

Press Release by Finnish Road Safety Council endorsing the Dutch Reach anti dooring technique to protect bicyclists & other road users.

Hollantilainen ote lisää turvallisuutta liikenteessä, Liikenneturva - Finnish Road Safety Council. [A Dutch grip increases safety in traffic.] 25.7.2018

Chicago TV Dooring Report

Cyclist 'Dooring' accidents explained by Dr. John Fernandez, Rush U. Medical Center. Oct 2018.

UK Video - h/t Outside's

Officials’ Dutch Reach Instruction Guide

We instruct the Dutch Reach for Officials, shows state drivers manuals, Berlin germany & road safety RoSPA org endorsed taught far hand reach method to avoid dooring.

 A Guide for Dutch Reach Instruction with detailed explanations & examples for road safety officials, experts, driving instructors & advocates.

PaperBlog.Fr - Le Dutch Reach

paperblog logo france

Le Dutch-Reach ou comment évitee blesser un deux roues en ouvrant votre portière de voiture

Mettez le mot "Néerlandais" devant n'importe quoi et en un clin d'œil, c'est mieux. ...Et il s'avère qu'une pratique de sécurité routière aux Pays-Bas, connue sous le nom de "Dutch Reach", est en phase avec cette tendance.  11 octobre 2018,

French Dutch Reach Video

Oh! My Mag French news media on Dutch Reach dooring preventionDutch Reach : comment ouvrir sa portière "à la hollandaise" pour sauver les cyclistes

Entre les voitures et les cyclistes, de nombreux accidents et incidents ont lieu chaque année. Pourtant, certains peuvent être évités avec un geste très simple.

Chicago: WGN9 TV News

Article: Cyclists vs. car doors: How the ‘Dutch reach’ could help, WGN9 TV News Chicago, IL, 26 Sep 2018.

UK DfT Adopts Dutch Reach Advisory

Department for Transport adds far hand anti dooring method & close pass advisories to new Highway Code, to save cyclist lives.

'Dutch Reach' Car Door Opening Technique Added To Britain's Road Rules, by Carlton Reid, Oct 17, 2018,, Click image/here for story.

Dutch Reach: Spares cyclists & Your car door, Driver's Ed with Debbie, WTMJ, Milwaukee, WTMJ Radio,Nov 2018.. Click image for audio & article.

de Volkskrant: UK Road Code to Add Dutch Anti-Dooring Method

car dooring prevention by use of far hand Dutch method now part of United Kingtdom Highway Code.

De ‘Dutch Reach’, fietsers in acht nemen voordat je het portier open zwaait, krijgt een plekje in het Britse verkeersreglement,Patrick van IJzendoorn 18 oktober 2018. [The 'Dutch Reach', taking cyclists into account before you open the door, gets a spot in the British traffic regulations]. Click to view.