Motor Vehicle Insurers, Manufacturers & Transportation Network Companies (Ride, Bike & Scooter Sharing)

See also automakers' High & Low Tech Solutions here.

Treaty: Vienna Convention Article 24

Vienna Convention Article 24 dooring

Article 24 on prohibiting open door endangerment of other road rusers, European Convention on Road Traffic ('Vienna convention'), 1966, Amendment 1, 1993. pdf

Gas Pump Pumps Dutch Reach

Star Tankstelle [Star Gas Station] in Germany features features DVR far hand anti-dooring graphic on its pumps.  Image is of pump tap where the gas quality is selected.  June 11, 2022.

IAM FleetWorld Dutch Reach Poster

Michelin Man's Far Hand Reach

Michelin in Malaysia  advises the Dutch Reaech, Facebook, 2Aug 15, 020.

Insurance Co's Promote Code Changes

Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)

L'ouverture pivot pour éviter l'emportiérage à vélo, Vélo Québec et Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), 2 Sept 2022.

DVR „Dooring“-Kampagne, Zweite Runde Mit Alliierten Transportunternehmen

Behalte beim Aussteigen deine Tür im Griff! „Dooring“-Kampagne geht in die zweite Runde. DVR Pressemitteilungen, 18. November 2020. Die Kampagne umfasst Video, soziale Medien, informative Kopfstützenbezüge und andere grafische Materialien mit vielen Mitarbeitern im Transportbereich.

Kopfstützenbezug mit "Dooring" -Vorbeugungshinweis

Pemco Insurance

Seek Auto Insurance Anti Dooring Incentives & Behavior Change Campaigns

Enlist motor vehicle insurance carriers, insurance authorities, Crown insurance corporations etc. to promote the Dutch Reach and other anti-dooring measures by educational outreach, behavior change campaigns, contractual training requirements, rate reduction incentives, crash or violation point rate penalties, etc.

While jurisdictional entities vary, vehicular insurance providers are typically subject to governmental regulation or other oversight, to serve the public interest.  Advocates may apply reason and pressure though legislators and city officials, by testifying at hearings, and by discussions and negotiations backed if need be by public campaigns, letter writing, and other typical advocacy strategies and tactics.

UK Insurer Veygo's TikTok Challenge

UK auto insurer Veygo launches Dutch Reach dance video challenge on TikTok to educate young drivers, 20 Oct 2020. On TikTok, Twitter & Facebook at #veygodutchreach. See also: Cycling Industry News, 21 Oct 2020.

Ford Australia

Lyft & Uber's Dutch Reach Notifications

TNC's Uber & Lyft introduce push notifications to riders & drivers regarding dooring, teaching the Dutch Reach, and avoiding obstruction of bvikelanes in some ciites of US & Canada.

Uber, Lyft act to reduce ‘dooring’ injuries to bicyclists, by Carolyn Said, San Francisco Chdronicle, May 16, 2019. Also via SFC/Tribune News Network to The Star Online/Malaysia

UK TNC Addison Lee Does 'Addison Lean'

Lyft Push-App & GIF

Graphic shows Tweet displaying Dutch Reach lesson title of gif, and a screen shot of push message sent by Lyftto its riders to enteach and encourage use of the Dutch Reach to avoid dooring cyclists and scooter users.

Lyft rideshare users now get this push notification via smartphone 10 minutes into trip. GIF PSA teaches & cues the Dutch Reach, 24 Apr 2019 Click image to enlarge; here for Lyft blog lesson with gif.

Uber Dutch Reach Video

More information for Dutch Reach advisories by Uber USA; Uber Toronto Canada; Uber UK

Škoda on Dooring Danger & Dutch Reach

CyclingUK, Uber, Team Teach Reach

We Are Cycling UK Dutch Reach campaign with UberUK illustrative image of campaign video & website campaign content

WeAreCyclingUK & UberUK team up with videos, driving instructors, web & push notifications for major Dutch Reach Campaign,  Includes DIY social media teachout: #TeachtheReach via Twitter, Facebook & email.

Renault uczy holenderskiej metody unikania kolizji z drzwiami

Pen the door in Dutch reach

Wróciły miejskie rowery. Kierowco, rozglądaj się! - (Otwieraj drzwi po holendersku), Krzysztof Gregorczyk, Francuskie .pl, 2020-05-13.


Dutch Reach decal sighted in Vancouver, BC, Canada; by Modo rideshare company. Click image to enlarge. First posted on Twitter hereModo's acknowledgement here. 27 Jan 2020. View more Dutch Reach reminders here.

Kia Driver's Guide: Dutch Reach

'Quoted' - Car Insurance News

Sharing is Caring: How to Share the Road with Cyclists
6 Tips:    #1  Adopt the Dutch Reach

Quoted, published by The Zebra, car insurance marketplace. Feb 13, 2018

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Advises Far Hand 'Trick'

“Open with your hand farthest from the door. It makes you twist a little in order to reach the door and remind you to do a shoulder check before proceeding.” - ICBC / Cycling Canada.

See ICBC's Cycling Safety webpage accompanying ICBC video at right.

ICBC Safety Video @ 47sec

Note "Dooring" section at 47 sec. shows far hand reach for shoulder-check to scan for cyclists.


Separate Lanes, Laws Aren’t Enough to Stop Bicycle Dooring Incidents

Despite dooring laws in 41 states and designated bike lanes in cities across the country, dooring incidents continue to cause concern.


Active Transportation Alliance spokesman Jim Merrell says the data is a sign more needs to be done to prevent such crashes.

Though there’s a lack of data in dooring accident statistics, cities make up a significant portion of bicycle crashes, said Ken McLeod, policy director of The League of American Bicyclists.

Dooring laws are important, he said, because they increase public awareness of the problem and because bicyclists can’t really prepare and avoid a car door opening in front of them.

“There is also a campaign by private citizens called The Dutch Reach which advocates people opening doors with their right hand, so they are prompted to look behind themselves,” McLeod said.

Example: Motion for Manitoba Public Insurance to Teach 'Dutch Reach'

Coun. Matt Allard promotes 'Dutch reach' to combat cycling accidents

St. Boniface councillor says body-twisting motion keeps cyclists safe from doorings
By Bartley Kives, CBC News, Jan. 10, 2017

The rookie St. Boniface backing a move to cut down on "doorings," or collisions between cyclists and the doors on motor vehicles.

Allard has authored a motion asking the city to work with Manitoba Public Insurance to popularize the "Dutch reach," a manoeuvre intended to ensure people in cars don't fling open their doors and into the path of oncoming cyclists without warning.

On his website, Councillor Matt Allard...

Thanks to my colleagues at public works committee today who endorsed my motion to direct public works to write a letter to Manitoba Public insurance asking them to consider the Dutch reach as part of driver education today.

'Addison Lean': Left Side of Road Dutch Reach

Fine far hand reach video by ride hail company Addison Lee of UK. Click image to play.

Veygo Insurance UK Does Dutch Reach TikTok Promo

British Columbia promotes Dutch Reach

British Columbia's Transporation Minitry and ICBC, the provinces' Royal Crown corporation which provides road, car, auto, vehicle liability & accident insurance for all BC road users also now promotes the Dutch Reach far hand anti dooring method to protect cyclists from door danger.

Door Lever for Dutch Reaching!

Door Lever Redesign for Dutch Reach by Aston Martin

State Farm Insurance's Example

State Farm Insurance has recently funded two significant projects:  US Governors Highway Safety Associations report: , and The Parents Supervised Teen Driver (PSTD) curriculum for Massachusetts.  Both recognize and promote use of the Dutch far hand anti dooring method.

A Right to the Road: Understanding & Addressing Bicyclist Safety (2017) is a comprehensive assessment of the major issues confronting bicyclists on the nations roads.  The GHSA report includes the Reach as one of 30 recommended safety tips for promotion by state transportation departments. (See p. 58

Likewise, State Farm sponsors the multi state Parents Supervised Teen Driving program, whose Massachusetts guide now includes an extended section on dooring danger and teaches the Dutch Reach to avoid harmful doorings.

The Parent's Supervised Driving Program for Massachusetts revised & expanded its section on what to instruct one's teenager with a driving learners permit in Massachusetts how to Share the Road more safely with bicyclists and pedestrians, as well as other vehicles. This graphic lists general Road Sharing topics covered in parts One 1 and Two 2 of the new manual.

The 2017 Parent's guide for Massachusetts expanded its section on road sharing issues.. Click on image to enlarge. Click here for SPDP-MA's website & guide.

GHSA Safety Tip

GHSA's study presents the Dutch Reach as a motorist education tip to prevent heedless doorings. (p. 38 of report).

GHSA study (p. 58). Click to enlarge.

State Farm Insurance sponsored GHSA study.

GHSA, the US Governors Highway Safety Association issued a comprehensive study in September 2017 titled "A Right to the Road Understanding & Addressing Bicyclist Safety", an assessment with recommendations to all states' departments of transportation on how to reduce bicyclist casualties, injuries & deaths. It features a special inset tip advising adoption of the Dutch Reach for driver education and inclusion in driver's manual to prevent dooring collisions.

Click image to view GHSA's full report.

State Farm Insurance teaches Dutch Reach to Teens

Parents Supervised Teen Driving Program for Massachusetts now teaches the Dutch Reach (p. 41).explains the far hand Dutch Reach anti dooring method & explains why doorings are dangerous. State Farm Insurance suports the program.

Parents Supervised Teen Driving Program for Massachusetts now teaches the Dutch Reach (p. 41). The PSTD program is sponsored by State Farm Insurance. See full set of State Farm/Parent Supervised lessons for sharing the road with bicyclists here.

Example: Ins. Co. RACV of Australia Teaches Dooring Prevention with Far Hand Reach


How to Avoid Dooring a Bicycle Rider

by RACV Motor Insurance. RACV is the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria, Australia


Example: The Automobile Association (The AA) of the UK

Britain’s largest motoring organization and insurance provider, The AA, has produced and issued driver safety videos such as their #thinkbikes campaign.  

This cheeky anti dooring video calls for vigilance: 

Now You See Me

Posted March 7th 2014 in BikeBiz with informative article by Carlton Reid describing the launch of The A.A.'s #thinkbikes wing-mirror campaign 

Health Co's Orgs twitter

#Healthcare pls do likewise!
@AthenaHealth @BCBST @EmpireBCBS @UHC @BlueCrossMN @KFF @kpwashington @Humana @CVSinAction @CVSPublicPolicy @HCSC @BlueShieldCA @BCBSAssociation @HealthNet @WellCareHealth @BCBSMA @BCBSMAFdn @caresource @CareFirst #HMO #Hospitals #HealthInsurance